Survey thousands of properties, FREE at

Property Data Collection

Pain-free and intuitive for economic developers. Fast and seamless for site selectors.

That’s the power of Lasso. Whether you’re in economic development or site selection, gather data for decision-making effortlessly. Lasso aggregates, sorts, and maps all of your essential data in one cloud-based software to standardize – and speed up – the entire input, collaboration, and selection process.  

Are you an economic developer?


Showcase why your property
should make the shortlist

Share your site’s core features, utility and rail providers, key differentiators, and property rep contact information.  Post images and video – and get creative – to attract a site visit.  

Visualize key location intelligence in a single map

In addition to LOIS enabling your sites and buildings to be viewed on a custom map, it also helps optimize your property marketing with brochures, geospatial map layers, demographic and workforce data, web visitor analytics, and sharing tools to connect a batch of properties with site selectors and corporate prospects.

Your property data is positioned to stay current and centralized

LOIS interconnects to Lasso, a digital request for information (RFI) software that enables global companies and site selectors to collect property data from your organization.  As you respond to Lasso site selection RFIs, if you update public-facing information, then your LOIS property map is also auto updated.

Expand – and focus – your marketing reach

Attract the businesses that fit your community and workforce through collaboration with other LOIS software subscribers. The software subscription is designed for several organizations in a state or region to work collaboratively to market their shared properties on their own website and on partner websites.  The collaboration enables more accurate and updated property information and a faster response time to site selectors and corporate decision-makers.  

The buildings and sites you choose to market are displayed on your organization’s website, partner websites (i.e. regional and county economic development organizations), and on


Find or be found with Lasso

No matter if you’re on the property hunt as a site selector, real estate professional, or corporate decision-maker or whether you’re an economic developer with fear of missing out on new business opportunities, Lasso benefits you both.  Lasso provides multiple ways to find or be found.


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Standardize your site selection project management

Using Lasso’s data collection templates, send a Request for Information (RFI) or Request for property Proposals (RFP) to as many organizations as you’d like, worldwide.  Send to any stakeholder with insight about a site or building, such as economic development organizations, real estate investment trusts, commercial real estate professionals, private landowners, and more.  The property submissions are received in a standard format, easily viewed on a map, and ready for download and comparison.

Collect more accurate property data more easily than ever

Excel is so 1999! Move into the future with Lasso, where you can forget about Excel sheets with dozens of tabs managed by different people. Lasso crowd-sources property data collection in a cloud-based and secure software platform. Any stakeholder with information about the property and community can be asked to participate in the project and provide their private responses to site selection, due diligence, and incentive negotiation questions.  Lasso is the fastest and easiest way to collect property data and receive incentive proposals for any site selection project.

Stay in the know

Lasso provides site selectors with dashboards to see all their project statuses.  Know which RFIs have been sent out, are due back, which economic development organizations have replied, who has declined to submit a property, and who has questions, all in real-time.  Privately communicate, inside of a project, with any stakeholder.  Share property collection reports with clients to radically accelerate the timeline of a site selection project. 

Respond to RFIs for FREE

When you receive an RFI, respond quickly and submit as many properties as you want, for free!  When site selectors and corporate real estate pros send their requests through Lasso, it allows you to delegate questions to your team and respond collaboratively through multi-tiered access – perfect for facilitating communication. Encourage those sending you RFIs to adopt Lasso because of how it delivers the maximum site details from the full stakeholder team in a radically short amount of time.

Identify properties, before they are even requested

With a paid subscription to Lasso, you’ll have access to RFI data collection templates; these are the requirements to put your properties in the running for site selection projects.  Utilize these insights to identify properties and prepare them ahead of time.  When your community receives the RFI, you’ll be ready, quick to reply, and well-positioned to earn site visits.  

Increase your visibility

Because a paid subscription to Lasso helps you know as much about your properties as possible – with much less legwork – you are prepared for site certification.  Tap into the network of site certification partners and earn their independent stamp of approval.  Talk to your rail and utility partners about their site certification programs and reach out to the Site Selectors Guild to learn more about their REDI Sites program. 

Attract the most desirable businesses for your community

A paid subscription to Lasso can provide you with more than a minimum list of requirements to ready your properties for site selection.  Our site selector partners are available to provide custom RFI templates to help ready your properties for your specific target markets.  Have niche skill sets in your workforce?  Have an inland port?  Tailor your site readiness efforts and win the best corporate match for your community.

Reach billions of dollars of business investment on the most custom economic development real estate network on the web.

Site selectors, corporate real estate pros, and business investors are looking for you.  When they search for economic development real estate, they find the listing service.  Will they also find your community and properties?  Purchase an annual listing on a listing service with proven worldwide appeal.  Get started on LocationOne today and get closer to your target audience.


Site selection projects managed since 2022


Properties submitted to site selectors + corporate real estate pros


Economic developers collaborating and submitting properties

Data Partners

You own your own data.

You own your data.  It is a digital asset of your organization.  With a paid subscription to Lasso, we help connect your data to those who need it most; the business investors considering your community.  Easily upload, import, or continuously sync your data into Lasso to respond to site selection RFIs.  We’re radically accelerating site selection and that means being interoperable with your existing systems and data partners too.


Use your data to earn a site visit
with Lasso

Empower your experience with comprehensive resources to maximize your efficiency and success with Lasso.

Product Literature

About Lasso

Learn how you can corral your site and building proposals with Lasso.

How To

RFI Process How To

A step-by-step guide to submitting property responses with Lasso.

Cheat Sheet

How to Receive RFIs and Submit Properties

A step-by-step guide 

How To

How to Invite Collaborators to Assist with Property Responses

A step-by-step guide

How To

How to Invite Collaborators

A step-by-step guide to inviting and creating collaborators in Lasso.

How To

How to Recall Answers

A step-by-step guide 


What our clients say


No matter where your property data is located now, let’s discuss what’s next.

To learn more about integrating Lasso into your current systems or to radically accelerate your RFI response process, book a time to talk to us. We’ll show you how to use your data to earn a site visit, end the RFI fatigue, and put time back on your calendar.
